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Screenrc manual

12 Mar 15 - 18:08

Screenrc manual

Download Screenrc manual

Download Screenrc manual

Date added: 13.03.2015
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Similarly, you can create a new window with a custom command in it by first binding the command to a keystroke (in your `.screenrc' file or at the C-a : command

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screenrc manual

Similarly, you can create a new window with a custom command in it by first binding the command to a keystroke (in your .screenrc file or at the C-a : command?.screenrc -?Startup Files -?availability -?Availability.screenrc examples - is actually a script written in "Yet another VendorSpeak" .. 9 transparent y yellow u underline # # note: "dim" is not mentioned in the manual. Oct 11, 2013 - The screenrc manual page mentions that termcapinfo cannot be You have to place these commands in one of the screenrc startup files, Jan 18, 2012 - This is abbreviated as ^A in the screen manual. and see what screen can really do, you'll want to save a .screenrc in your home directory.

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See # Set all windows to partial refresh. allpartial off. wide # or copy it to ~/.screenrc and use it as a starting point for your own # settings. This is not a comprehensive list of options, look at the screen manual forI put the line 'shell -$SHELL' on my screenrc to make every screen shell a to the screen manual Jul 12, 2009 - read does not mean or in the command. read seems to be a built-in -command about which I did not find explanation in my OS X's manuals. The manual section "CUSTOMIZATION" deals with the contents of your .screenrc. If your terminal is a "true" auto-margin terminal (it doesn't allow the last position

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